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NeoGraft Automated FUE and Implantation Procedure (Summary)

The newest method of hair transplantation is called FUE (follicular unit extraction). From a surgical standpoint, an FUE hair transplant is a very safe, non invasive, relatively minor procedure. An FUE transplant is extremely beneficial for the patient. However, many hair restoration doctors do not offer the FUE procedure because there are some nuisances associated with an FUE hair transplant.

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History of FUE

Prior to the invention of the NeoGraft, FUE was performed manually. This was very tedious and time consuming, making the procedure too costly for most patients. Additionally, manual FUE could result in a high transection contributing to poor outcomes. Because of this, most doctors were not willing to spend the time to learn this procedure and forego the opportunity to offer their patients a choice between FUT ( strip method ) and FUE ( follicular unit extraction ).

NeoGraft a Breakthrough Technology

Now, with NeoGraft Hair Transplant technology the problems with a manual FUE procedure have been eliminated. In addition to reducing the time required for the transplant, NeoGraft uses pneumatic pressure to extract the follicles and implant them. We refer to this "No Touch." This eliminates the need for handling the grafts with forceps which can damage them. Finally, with NeoGraft technology the transection (damage) rate is extremely low.

How NeoGraft Works

The FUE hair transplant is a minimally invasive procedure. With FUE each graft from the back of the head (donor area) is harvested individually and placed in the thinning or balding areas on the top of the head. The hair at the back of the head is genetically programmed not to fall out (not affected by the DHT homone). The NeoGraft medical device is designed to help PHR offer our patients the latest, most advanced procedure in hair transplantation while overcoming the problems with manual FUE.

With FUE there is NO visible scarring allowing the hair to be worn short. There is little chance with FUE of damage to nerves, causing pain, or damage to major blood vessels. There are very few limitations on activities for the first few weeks as well.

Hair restoration practices offering only 1 method of hair transplant surgery are generally more limited in scope. At PHR, we give the choice to the patient. After a comprehensive consultation, discussing all hair transplant option, you can decide if NeoGraft is right for you.