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Step by Step: Your Hair Restoration Process

The surgical hair restoration technique of Follicular Unit Transplantation is performed under local anesthesia. At Physicians Hair Restoration, we perform FUT ( Follicular Unit Transfer ) and PDIT (Follicular Unit Extraction) procedures, using the most advanced technology.

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There are four basic steps with every hair transplant procedure..

Step One: Donor Area Prep and Donor Hair Removal

During hair transplant surgery, you are both the donor and recipient. During the procedure hair is removed from the donor zone in the back of your head, where your hair is genetically programmed to grow for life. It is then transferred to the thinning area where it will last forever.

There are two methods of harvesting your donor hair:

Strip Harvesting is a method in which a strip of tissue is removed and then the individual follicular units are dissected underneath a microscope.

NeoGraft (automated Follicular Unit Extraction) is a method in which grafts are harvested individually.

Step Two: Dissection of the Follicular Units

With FUT Strip procedures, the donor strip is placed under a high powered microscope which is designed specifically for hair restoration surgery and the donor strip is dissected into microscopic grafts of individual follicular units of one to four hairs.

During NeoGraft ( Follicular Unit Extraction ) the follicular units are harvested from the donor area individually using the automated NeoGraft system and do not need to be dissected under a microscope.

Step Three: Creation of the Recipient Sites

Your hair transplant surgeon creates recipient sites in the proper angle, direction and orientation according to the artistic hair transplant plan he has designed specifically for you.

Step Four: Placement of the Hair Grafts

Finally, your hair grafts are transplanted to the balding and thinning areas of your scalp by a surgical technician who places each graft carefully and meticulously into those recipient sites.

Transplanted hair goes through the same resting and growing phases of your normal hair. The hairs of the transplanted grafts will begin to grow at approximately 4 months after your procedure and continue through months 10 - 12 post operatively.

With today's technology, hair transplant results are perfectly natural and undetectable.